Assessment in EYFS
At Clifton All Saints Academy, we use the statutory reception baseline assessment to develop an accurate picture of where each child is with their learning in key areas of the Foundation Stage curriculum. This helps us to ensure that the learning in the Foundation Stage is accurately tailored to the children’s needs.
We use the ‘Development Matters,’ descriptors, to monitor children’s progress. The Early Years Curriculum underwent significant reforms which were statutory from September 2021. All Saints Academy was an ‘Early Adopter’ school and embedded the reforms into their practice during the academic year 2020-2021.
At the end of the year, children’s attainment is assessed against the Early Learning Goals. This assessment is shared with the parents at the end of the year.
Year 1 Phonics Test
In the summer term children in Year 1 take the Phonics Screening Check. This test looks at the children’s ability to use a phonic approach to read a list of real and ‘nonsense’ words. The test has a pass mark (determined by the government each year) and the results are shared with parents at the end of the year. Children who do not achieve the pass mark in Y1 are re-tested at the end of Y2 and the results of this assessment are also shared with parents.In the summer term children in Year 1 take the Phonics Screening Check. This test looks at the children’s ability to use a phonic approach to read a list of real and ‘nonsense’ words. The test has a pass mark (determined by the government each year) and the results are shared with parents at the end of the year. Children who do not achieve the pass mark in Y1 are re-tested at the end of Y2 and the results of this assessment are also shared with parents.
Year 2 Optional SATS
Optional Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are administered in year 2 (the end of National Curriculum Key Stage 1). Their purpose is to give an indication of each child’s performance. Children are assessed in writing, reading and maths. Speaking and listening skills and scientific knowledge are also assessed by the teacher. These tests are used to support the teachers’ judgements concerning each child’s attainment.
Year 4 Multiplication Check (MTC)
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. We will use this check to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. There is no pass mark for the MTC.
Year 6 SATS
Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are administered in Year 6 (the end of National Curriculum Key Stage 2). The KS2 tests assess the children’s knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS), reading, mathematics and a teacher assessed portfolio of written work. They also judge progress over time, from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2. They help identify what is going well for our children and what areas we need to work on. They are a suitable indication of how well children will do in their GCSE’s and ensure we are preparing the children suitably for their next stage of education.
Continuous Assessment Y1-Y6
Teachers’ use of on-going formative assessment means that teachers are able to adapt planning to meet the needs of all pupils. Retrieval takes places throughout lesson, helping to embed and consolidate learning.
The system of continuous assessment, both formal and informal, is used to monitor pupils’ progress throughout the school. This includes standardised GL Tests (in Reading, Spelling and Maths) in Key Stage 2, New Little Wandle Phonics Spelling and Reading Tests, End of Unit Progress Test in Maths.
Marking and Feedback enables both the children and their teachers to know their next steps. Our policy is built around clear learning intentions and small ‘steps to success’ which help the child achieve the Learning Objective. Pink and green highlighting (tickled pink for successes and green for growth) along with feedback codes and detailed marking where needed provides that constant dialogue.
The information obtained provides a basis on which the teacher will plan appropriate programmes of work. It also enables us to identify any areas where further support might be needed, to ensure that every child is achieving their best..
All Saints Academy uses the assessment system ‘Insight’ to assess the progress of the children. Insight Assessment is designed around the EYFS Curriculum and 2014 National Curriculum. The 2014 National Curriculum outlines what each child needs to learn by the end of their year groups and Key Stages. It outlines what should be taught for Reading, Writing and Maths as well as the foundation subjects such as History or Art. Insight enables us to track and monitor progress. We identify concerns or issues and put support or interventions in place as needed.
In Year 2 all schools have to follow the Y2 assessment framework produced by the DfE. This provides objectives, based on the National Curriculum that children have to achieve, to be meeting the ‘expected standard’. The Insight objectives for Year 2 reflects these requirements.