‘Serve one another in love”
Galatians 5:13
Good Samaritan
Love is the basis for all we do. We love one another, we love learning, we love God and the world he made.
“Do to others what you would have them do fo you”
Matthew 7:12
Zacchaeus fhe Tax Collector
We have respect for ourselves and for others and show this through our behaviour and interactions. We appreciate and understand each other’s beliefs, cultures and individuality. We recognise these make us unique.
“Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened, for the Lord God is with you
wherever you go’
Joshua 1:19
Daniel and the Lion’s Den
We have the courage to try new things and stick at tasks even when they are hard and take us outside of our comfort zone. We take a moral stand and challenge injustice.
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of
Romans 15:7
The Loaves and Fishes
We all belong at Clifton All Saints for who we are and our uniqueness is loved and respected. We have the courage to be our true selves while being part of our school family and wider community. We attend Worship, we listen to ‘and learn from Christian teachings.