Safeguarding is of the utmost importance at Clifton All Saints Academy. We ensure that our staff have relevant training and that our curriculums teach children how to stay safe.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Miss Rebecca Byrne – Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Miss Sam Pepper – SENDCO
The Nominated Governor for Safeguarding
- Mrs Nic Sharp – Foundation Governor
Please address any concerns for the attention of the safeguarding governor.
You can also contact the Central Bedfordshire Access and Referral Hub for children’s social care at any point on 0300 300 8585.
Please find below a copy of our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
The following members of staff have also undertaken Safer Recruitment Training:
- Miss Rebecca Byrne – Headteacher
- Miss Sam Pepper – Assistant Headteacher
- Mrs Susan Swain – Business Manager
- Mrs Clare Francis – Office Manager
- Mrs Nic Sharp – Trustee
The following members of staff have also undertaken Managing Allegations Against Staff Training:
- Miss Rebecca Byrne
Prevent in education means everyone working together to Prevent terrorism.
If you have concerns that a child may be being radicalised then you can contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Lead’s in school, your local Prevent team by emailing or visit the following website Act Early UK.
Below is a link to a parents Prevent overview. This includes further information on what Prevent is and what you can do to keep your young people safe.
NSPCC Helpline
The NSPCC have launched a dedicated helpline for children and young people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse at school, and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance.
Young people and adults can contact the NSPCC helpline, Report Abuse in Education on 0800 136 663 or email