Miss Pepper is our Designated Person for Looked After and Post Looked After Children (LAC).
Miss Pepper can be contacted by calling the school office on 01462 628 444 or by emailing: spepper@cliftonallsaintsacademy.co.uk
We work closely with the Central Bedfordshire Virtual School to ensure that we meet the needs of LAC and Post LAC children and families.
Looked After Children
All children in care are required to have a Care Plan. A Care Plan is incomplete without a Personal Education Plan (PEP). We work closely with each child’s social worker to complete the PEP and ensure it is reviewed at least three times a year. PEP meetings are usually chaired by the Virtual School and are a multi-professional meeting.
The Personal Education Plan:
- is a record of educational progress
- is a way of promoting the educational achievement of a young person in care (view Outcomes for children looked after by LAs: 31 March 2018 report on GOV.UK)
- is a mechanism for consulting, listening to and involving the young person in their educational progress
- the process should strengthen joint working
- is intended to enhance continuity and raise the expectations and self-esteem of the young person
- acknowledges achievement and celebrates success
Post Looked After Children
For Post- LAC children and families we complete Education Reviews three times a year, as recommended by the Central Bedfordshire Virtual School. Education Review are held between the Designated Teacher, Headteacher and Parents or Carers. The Education Review is a useful document to help track children’s progress, set targets and ensure children do not fall behind.