High quality PSHE isn’t just about acquiring knowledge that can be listed or re-called. It is integral to a healthy and happy school where children know their well-being is prioritised and each child is truly cared for. Our PSHE curriculum contributes to the spiritual moral, social and cultural development of our children as well as enabling them to go into the next phase of their education being able to make informed choices, confident and resilient members of society. Beyond our explicitly taught curriculum, we take advantage of national days or weeks that promote children’s mental and physical health. Last year we celebrated World Mental Health Day/Hello Yellow, Children’s Mental Health Day, Macmillan Coffee Morning, Children in Need, E-Safety Week and Anti-Bullying Week. 

We take our Statutory Duty to deliver Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) seriously and have ensured that this curriculum is well sequenced and has age appropriate progression. 

Please see below for our RSE Policy and our PSHE and RSE Curriculum.